Living Waters Inc is Building a Stronger Black Community in Charlotte

Living Waters Inc has been a nonprofit in the Charlotte Community for many years. If you haven’t heard of them, here’s more information: Living Waters is a non-profit organization with a powerful mission: to empower individuals, families, and the greater Charlotte community through collaboration, advocacy, and resource provision.


Fostering Growth and Development

Living Waters operates on the core belief that “the people” are a community’s most valuable asset. They achieve their mission through a multifaceted approach, focusing on mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, and financial well-being.


One key area of focus is vocational training. Living Waters Inc understands that economic security is a cornerstone of a stable and thriving community. They offer programs designed to equip individuals with the skills and qualifications needed to secure good-paying jobs. This not only empowers individuals but strengthens the overall economic fabric of Charlotte.


Promoting Mental and Spiritual Wellness

Living Waters recognizes that well-being extends beyond the physical. They offer programs and services that address mental health needs within the community. This could include support groups, access to mental health professionals, or educational programs to raise awareness and reduce stigma surrounding mental health issues. They also acknowledge the significance of spiritual well-being and may collaborate with faith-based organizations to provide spiritual guidance and support for those seeking it.


Bridging the Gap: Cultural Brokerage Services

Charlotte is a diverse city, and Living Waters embraces that diversity. They offer cultural brokerage services, acting as a bridge between different cultures. This can be especially helpful for newcomers to the community, such as immigrants and refugees. Cultural brokerage services can help with everything from navigating unfamiliar systems to fostering a sense of belonging in a new environment.


Collaboration is Key

This nonprofit doesn’t operate in isolation. They believe in the power of collaboration and partnership. They work alongside public and private sectors, as well as faith-based organizations, to leverage resources and expertise for maximum impact. This collaborative approach ensures a more comprehensive and effective response to community needs.


The Ripple Effect: Living Waters Lasting Impact

The impact of Living Waters extends far beyond the individuals they directly serve. By empowering individuals and families, they create a ripple effect that strengthens the entire community. When people have access to the resources and support they need, they are better equipped to contribute positively to their surroundings. This fosters a more vibrant, resilient, and equitable Charlotte for all.


Join the Movement: How You Can Get Involved

Living Waters Inc.’s mission is achievable through the collective effort of the community. There are many ways you can get involved and make a difference:

  • Volunteer your time: Share your skills and knowledge by volunteering your time for various programs and initiatives.
  • Donate: Financial contributions allow Living Waters Inc. to continue providing vital services and resources.
  • Attend events: Stay informed and engaged by attending workshops, fundraising events, or community gatherings organized by Living Waters Inc.

Living Waters- Strengthening the Charlotte Black Community

By supporting Living Waters, you are investing in the future of Charlotte. You’re helping to build a community where everyone has the opportunity to thrive. So, get involved and become part of the movement towards a stronger, more empowered Charlotte. Living Waters Inc serves as an independent link to faith-based communities to collaborate and partner with public and private sectors.  We assist communities to establish and implement new goals. For more information, call 704-944-3119 or go to