Master Life

Master Life

Living Life According To The Master’s Plan…

Master Life is a Spiritual Empowerment and Discipleship Training program that helps individuals, families, pastors, lay staff and congregations develop a lifelong, obedient relationship with God, in which He transforms their character into His likeness. Though the Master Life activities, we connect, empower, and equip individuals and families to be well in mind, body and spirit.

Master Life provides a safe place

For individuals and families to: :

  • Focus on areas that impact their ability to serve, obey and live freely according to the scriptures
  • Discuss spirituality or just everyday life struggles
  • Receive small group bible study lessons dealing with spiritual and emotional empowerment
  • Participate in open dialogues based on biblical truths, societal stigmas, devotionals, music, faith, or topics that relate directly to faith
  • Take an active role in helping themselves and others heal

For Faith Leaders to:

  • Receive discipleship and leadership training
  • Address their own spiritual wellness and receive support