South East Coalition
South East Coalition
A Community Empowerment Project
“Making Neighborhoods Stronger”
We believe in creating communities, opportunities and services based on common experience, to promote individual and social responsibility, to affirm individual rights and dignity through advocacy, education and the development of healthy environments.
The South East Coalition (SEC) leverages a community network of trusted relationships with Chairmen, CEOs, Senior Government & Community Leaders, Churches of all denotations and Grass- Root organizations to empower humanitarian, philanthropic, and charitable, effects by accomplishing rapid problem solving, identifying cutting edge technology, facilitating logistics, training, and leading critical special project.

A faith-based ministry, in covenant relationship with community members of all denomination, and partnership with financial institutions, businesses, and other grass-root organizations for community empowerment.
To collectively empower the underserved communities.
- Community Engagement and Collaboration
- Community Liaison and Cultural Brokering
- Vocational, Education and Training
- Advocacy and Support
The Wisdom of Collaborative Governance:
Collaborative Governance (CG) is the cornerstone of the SEC. It identifies the professional practice model needed for a strong community development project. The SEC will emphasize participation and communication within and across disciplines in the decision-making process and to optimize opportunities for community leaders to control their practice. The decision-making process places the authority, responsibility, and accountability on the leader and grass-roots organizations. Training will be needed. We aim to use the CG community mobilizer and emphasize methods and techniques rather than theory or ideology
Two of the most importance elements of collaborative governance (CG) are Power Sharing and Mutual Value.
Power Sharing:
An organization and community leaders are empowered if leaders and managers share power with others, freeing them to focus on high-level planning and decision-making. Power sharing and mutual value are two elements of empowerment that give communities more autonomy. If communities have access to financial and operational information, they can make better decisions. If they have knowledge and skills, they can improve contributions to their organization’s strategic objectives. With more authority, they can make critical decisions, including improving community out-comes.
Mutual Value:
The empowerment theory concerns are how institutions and leaders move power down to the community level. Communities need to feel some control over their works and empowerment, or the transfer of authority, makes that possible. Some underlying value must exist for community organizations, such as their own belief that their decisions will be best for their organization. The leaders and managers can reinforce this belief by showing confidence in their preparation to make independent decisions.
The Empowerment Approach:
The empowerment approach to community development is:
- Determine what the community wants using a brain-storming or other group participation technique.
- Help the community members to structure ways to achieve the sought after goal(s).
- It is the struggling process that strengthens them (Application-Theory-Application).